Measure Your Social Media Marketing Success
Do you know the difference between social media monitoring and social media analytics?
In social media monitoring you are actively monitoring relevant content about your brand on various channels. Social media analytics describes the process of measuring, analyzing and interpreting the statistics of these content.
How is this done? Well you can use various tools such as Google Analytics, and Facebook Insights. Or you can make your life easier and use Quintly.
What is QUINTLY?
quintly is the professional social media benchmarking and analytics solution to track and compare the performance of your social media marketing activities. Whether you are using Facebook, Twitter or both, our tool visualizes and checks your social marketing success, benchmarking your numbers against your competitors or best practice examples.
Market Benchmarking
In order to optimize your social media performance, you should not only look at your own page’s performance, but also at how your competitors do in the social web. Also, looking at best-practice examples can be extremely valuable. With quintly this benchmarking information comes to you without any work on your part. Just tell us which pages or profiles you would like to track and compare, and we do the work and import all the public data available. You can then use our 30+ metrics and our advanced dashboard to compare your own performance with those of other pages or profiles in every dimension imaginable.
Market Benchmarking makes a lot of sense – as does the fact, whether you are doing a good job or not depends on the actual industry you are working in. In some sectors a certain interaction rate is perfect and in others, the same interaction rate wouldn’t be very flattering at all. This said, it is important to look at other similar pages (i.e. of competitors, similar brands or cooperation partners) to determine if your KPIs are set in the right intervals.

Automated Reports
Automated Reports are a pretty useful feature for both agencies and any kind of business. It ultimately helps you to inform all parties involved on a daily basis about your company’s social media marketing performance. This especially applies to those colleagues or partners (i.e. your CEO, director or client) who do not work within Facebook or Twitter marketing.
With quintly, creating simple, comprehensive and automated reports is easy. On top of that, our efficient report engine facilitates creating them with your own white-label templates.
You can automate the sending of all relevant social media data in two easy steps:
- Create as many templates as you like. Every available analysis can be included in your template. Also you can pick the position of all your chosen analyses and define the aggregation interval of interest.
- Create reports for each of your focus groups within seconds by entering a name for the report, the group of pages you want to be analysed, the sending frequency, one or more receivers, your preferred language and, finally, a template.
Save Time and Focus
Before working with our tool, many of our clients used to do their social media KPI tracking manually. Back then, this meant rather excruciating work – looking at and evaluating lots of different numbers and figures and typing them into Excel. After all this work, you had to define and calculate your KPIs and present them nicely in various charts. By using quintly, you can move forward and get up and running without any hassle in less than 2 minutes. Just define which pages or profiles you want to track and you are good to go.
Tracking with our tool is so easy and reliable because our highly optimized import algorithms ensure a steady and secure data flow from the social networks to our database. This all happens on top of a scalable, cloud-based platform using Amazon AWS to deliver great performance and availability. Our import servers are running 24/7 to get all the data we need to present you with all the numbers you want.
Another good thing: you will probably still save time and a lot of money by using our tool, as it costs only a fraction of what you would be or have been paying for the manual process of extracting and evaluating data. After all, it can do a day’s work within 10 seconds.
 Facebook Insights
quintly delivers you a holistic integration of all your Facebook Insights. Facebook Insights are a nice helper to check the performance of your page. But just watching your own insights alone, won’t help you to increase your Facebook marketing performance to the maximum. Because you can’t get better while living in a vacuum, you need to benchmark your page. Checking your Facebook performance in comparison with competitors and best practice examples gives you the real check to get better. And to ensure, that there’s no break while you analyze all your Facebook data for optimization, we give you the option to add your Facebook Insights to our tool. Especially if your’re managing a lot of Facebook pages, it’s real time consuming to switch manually between the insights of all these pages. With our tool you can view all the pages you manage and their Facebook Insights in one place.
Would you like to know more about Social Media Tracking? Check out this great article on quintly’s blog!
quintly and Holistic Hybrid
We use Quintly to track our client’s conversations, projects and brand progress. Are you interested in hiring us to help you grow your marketing and track your success?
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