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Transition from Drupal to WordPress

The End of an Era, a New beginnings!

Open letter posted on Raincity Studios blog – October 31st 2010

Thank you for visiting Raincity Studios. We appreciate you clicking away and coming over. Sadly (or happily depending on how you look at it) we’ve moved on to brighter things and we are no longer taking on projects.

If you were seeking us for our Drupal expertise, we highly recommend that you speak with our friends at The Jibe, or Eighty Elements Entertainment, or check out for other talented drupalers in your area.

If you are contacting us for any other request, feel free to use our contact form.

The past seven years have been amazing; a global roller coaster ride in Drupaland! It’s been a privilege to innovate and work with everyone on the team. Without their contributions, leading this company would not have been as much fun. The lessons and memories that we share from this experience will continue to grow and take on new forms as we all evolve to finer heights.

As Raincity Studios goes into permanent hibernation, we wish the best to the talented folks who emerged out of our hard work, our early collaboration with the community and our trusting clients.

Lastly, in the words of one of my favorite heroes, Douglas Adams, from his trilogy in five parts masterpiece;

“The Hitchhikers’ Guide to the Galaxy”.

So long and thanks for all the fish
So sad that it should come to this
We tried to warn you all but oh dear?

You may not share our intellect
Which might explain your disrespect
For all the natural wonders that
grow around you

So long, so long and thanks
for all the fish

The world’s about to be destroyed
There’s no point getting all annoyed
Lie back and let the planet dissolve

Despite those nets of tuna fleets
We thought that most of you were sweet
Especially tiny tots and your
pregnant women

So long, so long, so long, so long, so long
So long, so long, so long, so long, so long

So long, so long and thanks
for all the fish

We may not have gone where we intended to go, but I think we have ended up where we needed to be.

To read other Raincity Studios blog posts, please check out Raincity Studios’ Archive

This archive includes many articles on web standards, design, drupal, ajax and various events dating from 2004 to 2010…